Talasopolítica y contaminación atmosférica en el mar: una revisión de literatura
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Revista del Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales
En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de literatura especializada con los conceptos de Talasopolítica, administración marítima y contaminación atmosférica por buques, así como el marco jurídico transversal a esta temática. El contenido del presente documento es el resultado de la revisión de 156 referencias
bibliográficas de interés y busca establecer la correlación de las 34 referencias que se consideraron indispensables para la investigación. A partir de éstas últimas se establece un estado del arte tomando como punto de partida la descripción por «origen y año de la publicación». Lo anterior, con el fin de manifestar la relevancia del estudio en la administración marítima y portuaria en un tema de frontera para el Estado mexicano.
This work is a review of specialized literature. It includes the concepts of Thalassopolitics, maritime administration and air pollution from ships, as well as the transverse legal framework of these themes. The content of this document is the result of reviewing 156 bibliographical references of interest. It seeks to establish the correlation of 34 references that were considered indispensable for this investigation. Based on the latter, a state of art is established, taking as a starting point the description by «origin and year of publication» in order to demonstrate the relevance of the study in the maritime and port administration as a frontier topic for the Mexican State.
This work is a review of specialized literature. It includes the concepts of Thalassopolitics, maritime administration and air pollution from ships, as well as the transverse legal framework of these themes. The content of this document is the result of reviewing 156 bibliographical references of interest. It seeks to establish the correlation of 34 references that were considered indispensable for this investigation. Based on the latter, a state of art is established, taking as a starting point the description by «origin and year of publication» in order to demonstrate the relevance of the study in the maritime and port administration as a frontier topic for the Mexican State.
talasopolítica, administración, marítima, contaminación atmosférica, buques, thalassopolitics, maritime administration, air pollution, ships